
Peer-Reviewed Journals

  1. Bhargava, A., Venkatakrishnan, R., Venkatakrishnan, R., Solini, H., Lucaites, K., Robb, A. C., … & Babu, S. V. (2023, March). “Empirically evaluating the effects of eye height and self-avatars on dynamic passability affordances in virtual reality.” In 2023 IEEE Conference Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR) (pp. 308-317). IEEE.
  2. Bhargava, A., Venkatakrishnan, R., Venkatakrishnan, R., Lucaites, K., Solini, H., Robb, A. C., Pagano, C. C., & Babu, S. V. (2023). “Can I Squeeze Through? Effects of Self-Avatars and Calibration in a Person-Plus-Virtual-Object System on Perceived Lateral Passability in VR.” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 29(5), 2348-2357.
  3. Bhargava, A., Venkatakrishnan, R., Venkatakrishnan, R., Solini, H., Lucaites, K. M., Robb, A., Pagano, C. C., & Babu, S. V. (2021, May). “Did I Hit the Door? Effects of Self-Avatars and Calibration in a Person-Plus-Virtual-Object System on Perceived Frontal Passability in VR.” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
  4. Lucaites, K. M., Venkatakrishnan, R., Bhargava, A., Venkatakrishnan, R., & Pagano, C. C. (2020). “Predicting aperture crossing behavior from within-trial metrics of motor control reliability.” Human Movement Science, 74, 102713.
  5. Solini, H.M., Bhargava, A., Pagano, C.C. (2020). “The effects of testing environment, experimental design, and ankle loading on calibration to perturbed optic flow during locomotion.” Attention, Perception, & Psychophysic
  6. Bhargava, A., Lucaites, K.M., Hartman, L.S., Solini, H., Bertrand, J.W., Robb, A.C., Pagano, C.C. and Babu, S.V (2020). “Revisiting Affordance Perception in Contemporary Virtual Reality”, Springer Virtual Reality, pp.1-12.
  7. Lucaites, K.M., Venkatakrishnan, R., Venkatakrishnan, R., Bhargava, A. and Pagano, C.C. (2020). “Predictability and Variability of a Dynamic Environment Impact Affordance Judgments”, Ecological Psychology, pp.1-20.
  8. Bhargava, A., Martin, J., Babu, S. V. (2019). “Comparative Evaluation of User Perceived Quality Assessment of Design Strategies for HTTP-Based Adaptive Streaming”, ACM Transactions on Applied Perception.
  9. Bhargava, A., Bertrand, J., Gramopadhye, A., Madathil, K. C., Babu, S. V. (2018). “Evaluating Multiple Levels of an Interaction Fidelity Continuum on Performance and Learning in Near-Field Training Simulations”, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.

Conference Proceedings

  1. Siqueira, A., Bhargava, A., Venkatakrishnan, R., Venkatakrishnan, R., Lucaites, K., Solini, H., Nasiri, M., Robb, C.R., Pagano, C.C., Ullmer, B., Babu, S.V. (2021, March). “Empirically Evaluating the Effects of Perceptual Information Channels on Size Perception of Tangibles in Near-field Virtual Reality.” In 2021 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR). IEEE. Lisbon, Portugal
  2. Siqueira, A., Bhargava, A., Venkatakrishnan, R. and Venkatakrishnan, R. (2021, February).“PPCards: Toward enhancing electronic prototyping with editions of a card-based platform”. In 15th ACM International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (pp. 1-11).
  3. Bhargava, A., Solini, H., Lucaites, K., Bertrand, J.W., Robb, A., Pagano, C.C. and Babu, S.V. (2020, March). “Comparative Evaluation of Viewing and Self-Representation on Passability Affordances to a Realistic Sliding Doorway in Real and Immersive Virtual Environments”, In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR). IEEE. Atlanta, Georgia
  4. Venkatakrishnan, R., Venkatakrishnan, R., Bhargava, A., Lucaites, K., Solini, H., Volonte, M., Robb, A.C., Lin, W.C., Lin, Y.X. and Babu, S.V. (2020, March). “Comparative Evaluation of the Effects of Motion Control on Cybersickness in Immersive Virtual Environments”, In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR). IEEE. Atlanta, Georgia
  5. Lucaites, K., Venkatakrishnan, R., Venkatakrishnan, R., Bhargava, A., & Pagano, C. (2019). “Perceptions of Passability Through Dynamically Moving Gaps”. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 63(1).
  6. Lucaites, K., Venkatakrishnan, R., Bhargava, A., Venkatakrishnan, R., & Pagano, C. (2019). “Nonlinear Analyses Measure Characteristics of Motor Control used During Action-Scaling”. In L. van Dijk & R. Withagen (Eds.). Studies in Perception and Action XV. Proceedings from the Twentieth International Conference on Perception and Action. (pp. 23 – 26). New York: Taylor & Francis Group.
  7. Solini, H.M., Bhargava, A., & Pagano, C. C. (2019, October). “Transfer of Calibration in Virtual Reality to both Real and Virtual Environments”. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 63, No. 1). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
  8. Venkatakrishnan, R., Bhargava, A., Venkatakrishnan, R., Lucaites, K., Volonte, M., Solini, H., Robb, A., Pagano, C. C., Babu, S. V. (2019, March). “Towards an Immersive Driving Simulator to Study Factors Related to Cybersickness”, In 2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR) (pp. 1201-1202). IEEE. Osaka, Japan
  9. Bhargava, A., Lucaites, K., Hartman, L., Solini, H., Bertrand, J. W., Robb, A. C., Pagano, C. C., Babu, S. V. (2018, March). “Towards Revisiting Passability Judgments in Real and Immersive Virtual Environments”, In 2018 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR) (pp. 513-514). IEEE. Reutlingen, Germany
  10. Brickler, D., Babu, S. V., Bertrand, J. W., Bhargava, A. (2018, March). “Towards evaluating the effects of stereoscopic viewing and haptic interaction on perception action coordination”, In 2018 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR) (pp. 1-516). IEEE. Reutlingen, Germany
  11. Scharett, E., Lopes, S., Rogers, H., Bhargava, A., Ponathil, A., Madathil, K.C. and Dye, C. (2017, September). “An Investigation of Information Sought by Caregivers of Alzheimer’s Patients on Online Peer-Support Groups”. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 61, No. 1, pp. 1773-1777). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
  12. Bhargava, A., Bertrand, J., Babu, S. V. (2017, March). “AACT – A Mobile Augmented Reality Application for Art Creation”, In 2017 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI) (pp. 254-255). IEEE. Los Angeles, California
  13. Bertrand, J., Bhargava, A., Madathil, K. C., Gramopadhye, A., Babu, S. V. (2017, March). “The Effects of Presentation Method and Simulation Fidelity on Psychomotor Education in a Bimanual Metrology Training Simulation”, In 2017 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI) (pp. 59-68). IEEE. Los Angeles, California


  1. “Tangibles within VR – Tracking, Augmenting, and Combining Fabricated and Commercially Available Commodity Devices” IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, Reutlingen, Germany. March 2018